Thursday 20 April 2017


What is a soft drink?

A Soft Drink or a fizzy is a nonalcoholic, flavored, carbonated beverage, usually commercially prepared and sold in bottles or cans.
A carbonated drink is a drink that bubbles and fizzes with carbon dioxide gas. This involves pumping carbon dioxide into the drink at high pressure, then sealing the container. Since the solubility of carbon dioxide is less at lower pressure, the dissolved gas escapes as bubbles when the container is opened and the pressure is relieved. Although the ingredients in carbonated drinks are deemed safe by the Food and Drug Administration, these beverages may cause side effects to your body, especially if you consume them regularly. Knowing about the possible side effects of carbonated drinks can help you make informed nutrition choices.

Carbonated beverages contain dissolved carbon dioxide, which becomes a gas when it warms to body temperature in your stomach. Consuming carbonated soft drinks may cause repeated belching as your stomach stretches from the accumulation of carbon dioxide gas. Food and stomach acid may come up your food pipe as you belch, causing heartburn and a sour taste in your mouth.


Consuming sugar-sweetened, carbonated drinks adds calories to your diet, which may increase your risk of overweight and obesity. Overweight and obesity are significant risk factors for the development of type 2 diabetes, heart disease and osteoarthritis.


Consumption of carbonated soft drinks can adversely affect your overall nutrient intake. Drinking these beverages may reduce your consumption of proteins, starch, dietary fiber and vitamin B-2, also known as riboflavin. People who drink carbonated beverages also tend to eat less fruit and drink less fruit juice compared to those who do not drink sodas.


Regular and diet carbonated soft drinks can harm your teeth. Your mouth contains bacteria that feed on sugar producing chemicals that can break down the hard enamel of your teeth. A cavity forms when erosion of the enamel exposes the soft, inner core of your tooth. When you drink sweetened, carbonated soda, the sugar remains in your mouth, promoting the processes that lead to tooth decay. The acid in these carbonated drinks further increase the likelihood of developing cavities, because these chemicals also slowly erode the enamel of your teeth.


There have been many studies that have looked at the links between various types of cancer and fizzy drink consumption. They suggest:

·         Drinking just two sugary soft drinks a week increases the amount of insulin the pancreas produces and can double the risk of developing cancer.

·         Drinking just one fizzy drink a day could increase a man’s chance of developing prostate cancer by around 40 per cent.

·         Drinking just one-and-a-half cans a day can increase a girl's breast cancer risky per cent.

·         Some chemicals that are used to color soft drinks can cause cancer.



Scientists in America found a strong link between the proportion of daily calories from foods laden with added sugars (like fizzy drinks) and death rates from cardiovascular disease. They claimed that drinking three cans a day could triple our risk of heart disease.

Sunday 9 April 2017


What is meninges? They are the membranes that cover the spinal cord and the brain. The meninges has fluids surrounding it, when this fluid becomes infected, it causes meningitis.

Meningitis can be explained as an inflammation of the meninges.
Meningitis is caused by viral and bacterial infections.
Other causes may include:
  • cancer
  • chemical irritation
  • fungi
  • drug allergies
Viral and bacterial meningitis are contagious. They can be transmitted by coughing, sneezing, or close contact.
Viral and bacterial infections are the most common causes of meningitis. There are several other forms of meningitis. Examples include cryptococcal, which is caused by a fungal infection, and carcinomatous, which is cancer-related.
Some viruses that can cause meningitis:
  • West Nile virus
  • influenza
  • mumps
  • HIV
  • measles
  • herpes viruses
  • Coltivirus, which causes Colorado tick fever
Viral meningitis typically goes away without treatment.
Bacterial meningitis is contagious and caused by infection from certain bacteria. It could be fatal if untreated. A high percentage of people who have this condition die, even with adequate or proper treatment.
The most common types of bacteria that cause bacterial meningitis are:
  • Streptococcus pneumoniae, which is typically found in the respiratory tract, sinuses, and nasal cavity and can cause what’s called “pneumococcal meningitis”
  • Neisseria meningitidis, which is spread through saliva and other respiratory fluids and causes what’s called “meningococcal meningitis”
  • Haemophilus influenza, which can cause not only meningitis but infection of the blood, inflammation of the windpipe, cellulitis, and infectious arthritis
  • Listeria monocytogenes, which is a foodborne bacteria

The symptoms of viral and bacterial meningitis can be similar in the beginning. However, bacterial meningitis symptoms are usually more severe. The symptoms also vary depending on your age.
Viral meningitis in infants may cause:
  • decreased appetite
  • irritability
  • sleepiness
  • lethargy
  • a fever
In adults, viral meningitis may cause:
  • headaches
  • a fever
  • stiff neck
  • seizures
  • sensitivity to bright light
  • sleepiness
  • lethargy
  • nausea
  • decreased appetite

 They may include:
  • altered mental status
  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • a sensitivity to light
  • irritability
  • a headache
  • a fever
  • a stiff neck
Seek immediate medical attention if you experience these symptoms. Bacterial meningitis can be deadly. There’s no way to know if you have bacterial or viral meningitis just by judging how you feel. Your doctor will need to perform tests to determine which type you have.
People with an immune deficiency are at higher risk of contracting meningitis. Certain disorders can make an immune system weak: HIV, AIDS, Autoimmune disorders, chemotherapy etc.
All ages are at risk for meningitis. However, certain age groups have a higher risk. Children under the age of 5 are at increased risk of viral meningitis. Infants are at higher risk of bacterial meningitis.
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, especially if you’re at increased risk, is important. This includes things like:
  • getting adequate amounts of rest
  • not smoking
  • avoiding contact with sick people
Vaccinations can also protect against certain types of meningitis. Vaccines that can prevent meningitis include the following:
  • Haemophilus influenzae type B (Hib) vaccine
  • pneumococcal conjugate vaccine
  • meningococcal vaccine